Tuesday, April 26, 2016

DIY creepy/haunted porcelain doll- Under $5

DIY creepy/haunted porcelain doll- Under $5
1. Get a porcelain doll from a thrift store or one you have on hand. (We paid $3)
2. Wash the skin of the doll so that it is clean, dry.
3. Paint a layer of black paint on the whole doll. Be careful not to paint the eyes or hair, let fully dry. 4. Put a layer of Elmer's glue on the entirety of the doll, covering the black paint, let fully dry.
5. Fully paint over the black and dried glue layers with a flesh colored paint. Immediately after, take a blow dryer set to high and blow on entirety of doll. This will "crack" the glue layer and expose some of the black layer giving the doll the old and creepy effect.
6. Optional: We washed our brush with the black paint over the dress, giving it a tint of a dirty stain.

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